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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

From Rachel's Kitchen: Homemade Toasted Coconut Gelato

Wanted to lighten things up for the summer,
so instead of making ice cream in my ice cream maker,
I decided to try my hand at gelato.

The main difference between ice cream and gelato
is the trade-off of heavy cream and half & half 
for less fattening ingredients, like milk.
And coconut milk...

Coconut Gelato Recipe:

(2) cans Coconut Milk (I used Goya)
(1) can Cream of Coconut
(1) cup 2% Milk
(1) small container Chobani Coconut Yogurt
Coconut Flakes (baking aisle of grocery store)


1) Refrigerate all ingredients to get them as cold as possible
(with the exception of coconut flakes)

2) If your cans of coconut milk are cold enough,
the ingredients inside will separate. 
Flip the can upside down and open.
You want to pour the heavy creamy contents on top
 into a bowl and discard the coconut water below.
Do this for both cans.

3) Stir can of cream of coconut well and pour into a bowl
with the thick creamy contents of both cans of coconut milk,
1 cup regular milk, and can of yogurt.
Stir well in a large mixing bowl.

4) Pour contents slowly into your ice cream maker
and let churn 25-35 minutes, until contents thicken.

5) While ice cream maker is churning,
pour 1/2 cup of coconut flakes onto a baking sheet
and bake 3-5 minutes on 350 degrees,
checking often (I burnt my first batch)
When its a light golden color,
remove from oven and transfer to plate to cool.
If you leave it on sheet, it will continue to cook!

6) Once cool, pour slowly into the ice cream maker
after at least 20 minutes of churning.

7) Transfer the ice cream canister
(mine pops right out of the maker)
to freezer and let harden at least 4-5 hrs before serving.
(I said 2 hrs in my video, but it wasn't quite there yet!)

Serve with a sprinkle of coconut on top
and enjoy!

The perfect summer treat...


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