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Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm on a kickboxing high....

I've been taking kickboxing classes at L.A fitness for the past 2 weeks
and I feel A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

One of my goals this year was to join a gym not only
to continue my training for another half marathon,
but to also learn kickboxing- which I've heard is an INSANE body workout.

I picked up the movements pretty fast and now I am ALL IN.

I don't know what it is about the class,
but I think its taking care of some of my anger issues right now.
It could be the insanely loud music that gets me going...
could be the 20 people busting their @$$ beside me at 8:30am on a Saturday morning,
could be the sheer pleasure of punching air as hard as you possibly can 
and picturing something else there...I don't know.

What I do know is that I'm exhausted, empowered, and drenched when I'm finished.
All I know is I am loving. every. second.

If you want to join me for a kickboxing class (or any other), I have plenty of free guest passes.
You can view the workout class schedule here:

Drop me a message and let me know.

Here's to all the fighters out there.

W I N N I N G.


P.S We've been starting with this song - the music is good.

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